7 Ways To Bust Those Exercise Excuses

You do want to exercise really….but some days it seems impossible to get motivated or to fit in that workout, and ultimately it gets chucked into the too hard basket.  Here are some ways to combat those excuses (because that’s what they are) and get that all-important workout in.  
1. My work and my commute to work takes up so much of my time…
No time in the morning and too exhaused at night?  That leaves lunchtime.  Take a walk during your lunch break whenever you can.  Even 15 minutes is better than nothing. Take the stairs not the lift.  Get up and walk around 5 minutes in every hour you are sitting down. Walk to and from work if you work close to home.  
2. My partner complains about the time I spend exercising…
Get him/her to join you, do a class together, walk together, or take up a fitness activity or sport together.  Get your significant other to try something new, once they get started they should feel so good they may be keen to continue.  Say to them that you love exercise and staying fit and sexy for them and you would love it if they joined you.  
3.  I can’t exercise I have kids or I want to spend more time with my kids…
It’s hard to find time to workout when you have kids, especially if you want to spend more time with them and they want to see you more often.  You could stay home and use an Online Gym or DVD, pop a workout on and get the kids to workout along with you.  DVDs and online workouts are the most flexible options for working moms. Or if your kids are young, take them with you in a stroller for a walking workout. Or, if they’re a little older, have them walk, scooter or bike along next to you as you run.  
4. I live out in the country, in a small town away from any gyms…
When you live out of town or in the countryside it can be hard to get access to a gym. Again, an Online Gym and online personal trainer is a great option or an exercise DVD at home. Or, you could dance, jump rope, walk, run, hike or take up a sport, or even train for an event to get you motivated. Have fun :)  
5. I’m not motivated; I just want to crash on the couch at the end of the day…
You may have done this many times before, got started, got really excited and keen and then you crash and burn… Focus instead on why you want to exercise e.g. weight loss, less stress, happier mood, better sleep, better self-esteem, greater creativity.   This will help you stay on track. If you fall off the wagon, get back on, don’t view it as a failure, and use it to fuel your fire for next time.  What got in your way?  Was it work, time management, stress, after work drinks etc.  Look at the issues, sort them and get going again.  You don’t have to wait until tomorrow, the start of the week or month or when the stars align, do it straight away.  
6. I never see results or I see them initially then nothing…
Maybe you expect to become an “after” photo within a couple of weeks of starting a new exercise program? It’s great to set goals, but consider measuring your success in other ways, that focus more on your health.   How do you feel?   Do you have more energy?  Is your skin clear? Are you sleeping well?  Forget the scales.  Do your clothes feel loose? You can measure your resting heart rate, which should decrease as you become fitter, or measure your waist, hips, thighs etc. or your blood pressure.  All these things are far better measures of good health.  
7.  I actually just dislike exercise.
You know its good for you, you would like to lose weight, but no amount of telling yourself you can buy new clothes, or fit into clothes you haven’t worn in years, or that you will look and feel better is going to make you like it. Even if you never learn to love exercise, find something fitness related you do like. Join a workout group or club, dance, go mountain biking or buy a series of sessions with a personal trainer. You have then handed over your hard-earned cash and committed to appointments, so you’re less likely to bail. Alternatively, find a fitness friend who is willing to meet up with you and work out, or do a fitness activity together. If you need any help finding the right program for you, check out the Online Gym, we have heaps of video workouts, meal plans, recipes, and the latest, quality information on all things health and fitness.