Why I Am Bidding A Sad Farewell To Coffee

I love coffee; it’s up there with a nice glass of Central Otago (NZ) Pinot… (not in the morning of course :).  I have tried to give it up for health reasons (the coffee, not the wine), previously, just because I think it can’t be great for you, as its addictive.  I’m a one cup of coffee a day girl, so I justify what’s the harm?  I usually get to one month or more, and then my old friend sneaks back into my life, seducing me with its velvety aroma and promise of a quick energy hit.   You may have tried to quit too.  But maybe that hot, steaming cup of coffee is part of your morning ritual?  Without that first cup maybe you’re half asleep and your mind is unclear? The caffeine hit is a powerful tool to wake up your brain.   Does this sound familiar? If you have no problems with fatigue or digestive issues and you have energy to burn, you are probably ok with your coffee.  But if you are like me and you feel tired all the time, despite a lot of sleep and you feel rubbish a lot of the time, even though you eat healthily and exercise regularly, it may be time to take an even closer look.   I have adrenal fatigue caused by a lot of stresses inside my body and external stresses, so I need to slow down and completely eliminate these stresses as much as possible.   So bye bye coffee… :(  

7 Ways to Make Withdrawal Symptoms Easier

1.  Find a replacement.
If you choose to cut coffee cold turkey, find some healthy coffee alternatives that will give you a morning boost without the adrenal crash.  
(a) Become enamored of hot maca
A couple of tablespoons of maca blended in a cup of warm almond milk and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon is a delicious way to start the morning. Maca has adrenal boosting properties and will give you a boost without the crash of coffee.  
(b) Become smitten with lemon water
Have a mug of warm lemon water in the morning; this gently wakes up your liver and kick starts your digestive system.  Its nothing like coffee, but it is a warm drink :)  
Flirt with Organic Coffee
If you really want that coffee, find a healthier organic, single source bean, and try limiting your coffee to once a week or once a month.  Maybe a Sunday morning treat?  
2. Sleep more
If you think you need coffee to keep you alert and awake throughout your day, then you are probably not getting enough sleep. By sleeping at least 8-9 hours every night, and getting to bed before 10pm for restorative sleep, you will not feel the need to reach for that mid-afternoon pick me up.  
3. Drink plenty of water
Keeping well hydrated will not only help you fight off headaches and other symptoms of withdrawal, but will also help your body adjust to the sudden chemical change of quitting coffee.  Drink 6-8 glasses or filtered water or try hot water as a drink instead of an afternoon coffee. Water will cleanse and reinvigorate your body.  
4. Exercise often
Exercising daily will help fight fatigue and will be extremely beneficial in your fight against caffeine addiction. A combination of cardio and resistance exercise especially, will help increase blood flow in your body and actually boost your metabolism for more energy than you could ever receive from a cup of coffee. Try a HIIT or HIIT Beginner workout in the Online Gym or even a 30 minute walk will do wonders for the way you feel.  
5. Do not let your blood sugar get low
Have some protein in the afternoon such as a handful of nuts or seeds like almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds or a boiled egg and fruit.  
6. Take Time Out
Press the pause button. Meditation and other mindful activities like yoga, can help calm an over stimulated and stressed system.  
7. Take a Close Look at Nutrition
Maybe you are ready to try a complete elimination program and avoid all refined sugars, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, and any other addictive substance.  Eliminate all these dietary triggers for fatigue and inflammation.  If you allow these foods to stay in your diet, your body will stay on the vicious cycle of cravings and addictive behavior.   I’m going to eliminate coffee AGAIN, plus any small amounts of sugar and dairy that have snuck into my diet as well, for the month of May. JOIN me and lets do it together.  Make the month of May an elimination month. I assure you that your body and mind will thank you. I'd love to hear any comments or questions you have :)    

Top 4 Ways To Look and Feel Great This Winter

The clocks have been put back and the daylight hours are shorter as we enter the coldest months of winter. Summer seems a distant memory and the promise of spring seems far off. Wow, that seems like a bit of a downer doesn’t it? It doesn’t have to be. It would be easy to let your health and fitness slide during the colder months, as we dream of DVD's on the couch, not leaving the house, sleeping in, and eating lots of comforting food. There is nothing wrong with this occasionally, as it can be the break you need, but if you do it on a regular basis, the extra weight and “blah” feeling can creep in. Now is the time to invest in how you want to look and feel when summer rolls around again. Create a list of goals and write them down. Get a picture of someone that inspires you and chuck it up on the fridge or a mirror. Be accountable to yourself and make it happen. Make a dedicated wellness program yourself (or hire a holistic health coach to help) throughout winter so you can stay on top of your training and nutrition. Don't make excuses in winter that you wouldn't in summer.  Don’t worry if you don’t have a plan. Do these 4 things to keep your mood and body in great shape throughout the winter so you look and feel great once the weather starts to warm up.  

1. Keep Your Happy

The winter months can take a toll on both your physical and mental wellbeing. Winter is the time of year we can be severely affected by the weather, causing depression and other mood disorders. It may just be a case of the winter blues, not to be confused with the more serious condition known as SAD (seasonal affective disorder), and can include boredom, restlessness, lethargy, feelings of fatigue, irritability, and cabin fever (feeling cooped up). Make sure you socialise. You are not an island. Get out there and catch up with friends or family at least once a week. Make the effort even though you may prefer to lounge on the couch watching The Bachelor each week. Even just an hour with friends can be the pick-me-up you need to feel good. It doesn’t have to involve drinks; catching up for a walk, playing a sport, or doing a hobby together is beneficial in more ways than one.  

2. Love Nature

I know you have heard it all before, but getting outside for a little sunshine and fresh air is really important, especially during the dark, cold days of winter. You need to keep on top of your vitamin D intake. Lack of sunshine can deplete or even wipe out your vitamin D stores. Staying inside all the time can change your biological rhythms and affect the production of brain chemicals, such as serotonin, which help regulate your mood. This can leave you feeling a bit down and more tired during this time. The beneficial effects of vitamin D are truly amazing, especially helping to boost your immune system to ward off disease, so it’s crucial to optimise the levels of vitamin D in your body all year round in order to support your long-term health. Getting outside in nature is also very grounding and good for the soul.  

3. Keep Active

Winter can put a chill on even the most enthusiastic exercise plans. Resist the urge. Keep moving! Stay on track and motivated and stick to your exercise program. Regular workouts during the winter months will improve your mood naturally, relieve tension and manage stress. If you are like me and enjoy winter sports like skiing or snowboarding, which are great for your body and get you outdoors, take advantage of the colder weather to engage in those activities. If winter sports aren’t your thing, get out for a brisk walk so you can benefit from both the exercise and the sunshine. On cold, rainy days, you could exercise indoors. Join a real world gym, an online gym, or use a fitness app. If you are exercising outdoors, make sure you dress for the elements. Wear layers that you can take off as necessary. Any activity is great. Try to workout first thing in the morning, or do a walk or some desk exercises during lunch. That way you will fit your exercise in before “stuff” gets in the way. Yoga or Pilates are other great options to add to your workout routine as they can help you feel more calm and centered. If the thought of an intense 60-minute workout seems overwhelming then start small. Move forward slowly and only as fast as your body will allow you to progress. Start with a short daily walk or a 10-minute beginner workout. Do not let the change in weather pause your health goals, make a commitment and stick to it.  

4. Eat Well

It’s easy to reach for comfort food when cooped up inside all day. So remember, even if you just feel like watching back-to-back Friends reruns, you still need to eat clean, especially if you’re not moving as much. Check out some clean recipes for free in the Online Gym if you need some inspiration. In addition to eating a healthy, well-balanced diet of wholefoods, there are certain foods that can help your body produce brain chemicals that make you feel more energetic and upbeat. These include foods high in omega-3 fats like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed; try to have at least one serving of an omega-3 food daily, or alternatively, a tablespoon of good quality fish oil.   Do the best you can to look after yourself over winter: rest, relaxation, and time out are every bit as important as exercise. Just don’t let everything go. Invest in your health and fitness now, and once those first warm days hit, you can jump into your bikini/swimsuit and sprint to the beach, confident, proud, and knowing you look and feel your best. It might not feel like it yet, but that warmer weather is just around the corner. Do your mind and body a favour by getting active now, in the dead of winter, so you can take full advantage of the longer, sunny days of spring when they arrive.