What is the number one New Year’s resolution?

What is the number one New Year’s resolution? Do NY resolutions even work? How do I beat the odds and achieve mine?

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! 2016 has come to an end, and a shiny new year beckons, sparkling with our hopes, dreams, aspirations, and the promise of yet unknown adventures. At this time, we often find ourselves thinking about the year ahead and New Year's resolutions. New Year’s resolutions are fun to make, but hard to stick to. Having a plan and breaking a goal down into easy steps can help. What’s the #1 NY resolution? Most people’s #1 New Year’s resolution is to lose weight and get healthy. Do you start off the new year feeling full of purpose and ready to achieve your goals, but then forget your good intentions well before Valentine’s Day? Setting resolutions with steps to achieve specific things by a specific date is great, but sometimes the pressure to achieve can overwhelm and sabotage your good intentions. If you have too much on your plate, you simply cannot give anymore, and those resolutions fall by the wayside. Use these 6 steps to help you achieve all that you want in 2017.  
Keep it simple. Don’t make lists and lists of NY resolutions or goals. Make a short list of the things you will do daily - your non-negotiables - and make sure you do them. If you have a huge list of resolutions, you could become overwhelmed, and you might find yourself doing nothing at all.
2. Make Time
We all have the same amount of time in a day. YOU choose how to spend it. Choose wisely. Every day we are pulled in different directions. A lot of the time, clients say to me: “I don’t have time to exercise or prepare a healthy meal”. Value your health and make time. Consistency is key. Create a routine every day and it will just become a habit. For example: “I’m going to eat vegetables with every meal”, or “I am going to drink a litre and a half of water a day”.
3. Find Purpose
Don’t use willpower, this only works in the short term. Willpower is great when everything is going according to plan, but if it’s raining and cold outside and you are tucked up nice and warm in bed, or maybe if you’re ravenous and a chocolate layer cake is calling your name, willpower can disappear fast. Purpose is different. Purpose gets you out of bed at 5.30am to train. Purpose will have you prepared with healthy meals ready to go. Purpose will get you excited for work each day. Remembering your purpose in life (what drives you and why you want to do something) gives you the motivation to reach a goal no matter what happens. Purpose isn’t about achieving a supermodel vision or being a copy of someone else, but it IS about being the best version of yourself.
4. Forget Perfection
As you know, there is no such thing as perfection. You fall off the wagon, and things don’t go according to plan. Forget it and pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and resume those healthy habits you had dropped. Make sure you don’t keep going with that bad habit, thinking ‘well I’ve stuffed it now’. No one is perfect; we all do this. Don’t dwell, just accept and move on
5. Embrace Life
Make this year the year that you allow yourself to feel gratitude and love for everything already within your life. Set goals and make resolutions, but also really think about what makes your heart sing. What do you really love to do? What gives you joy? Create some time for this, or for the special people in your life. I know you think you don’t have time, but this feeling of joy will create energy and love that flows into everything you do, so it will all be worthwhile. Love life and all that you have right now. It sounds like a cliché, but everything you have in this moment is something to give thanks for. Take a moment everyday to give thanks for all you have and you will find you have everything you need. Gratitude breeds contentment.
6. Self-Care
Be a friend to yourself and prioritise self-care; learn to give yourself that ‘me’ time. You are important and amazing so you need to treat yourself well, as you would a good friend.
Wishing you all the best for a positively exceptional 2017, filled with purpose, joy and love in every aspect of your life!

5 Exercises For Strong, Lean Legs Fast – No Equipment Required

You don’t need to go to a gym to get great looking, strong, sculpted legs. All you need is your fabulous self and these 5 body-weight exercises to sculpt some lean, sexy pins.
1. Body-Weight Squats
Don’t underestimate the humble body-weight squat as a great functional exercise for strength and sculpting your legs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed slightly forward or slightly outward.  Engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button towards your spine and keep your chest lifted, by pulling back your shoulders, as you bend your knees and push your butt out, as if you were sitting down carefully. Keep your weight in your heels, then come down until your thighs are as far down as you can get them.
2. Jump Squats
Jump Squats will get the heart pumping and the legs burning in no time at all! Squat down until your knees are at about a 90 degree angle or lower if you can. Keep your chest up and shoulders pulled back. When you reach the bottom of the squat, powerfully and quickly jump to a straight body position. Lower quickly back down to land in the squat and immediately jump again.
3. Pistol Squats
Pistol Squats are an advanced body-weight exercise; so can be quite difficult to do at first. They are well worth you persevering to master them, as the benefits are strong, lean, shapely legs. Hold up one leg straight out in front of you and squat down pushing your hips back and sit down as far as you can. Once there lift yourself back up to standing. When you start out doing pistol squats, try holding on to help your balance and then work your way up to not holding on at all and getting down lower.
4. Jump Lunges
Jump lunges are an effective exercise to get the heart pumping and the legs burning and are one of the best exercises to build shapely, sexy legs. Start in a lunge position with your front leg bent, knee directly over your heel and the back leg bent close to the floor. Centre your weight over both legs and then drive up explosively from your front leg, switching positions in the air and land with the opposite leg forward.
5. Walking lunges
Walking lunges are an excellent exercise to shape and firm those legs and your butt! Start feet together step one leg forward and without pausing, alternate legs, bringing your opposite leg forward into a lunge position. Keep your upper body tall and shoulders pulled back. Keep alternating legs and moving forward until you run out of room wherever you are, then turn and lunge back. Incorporate these exercises into your training routine for damn fine looking, strong legs. If you need any help, motivation and instruction check out the Online Gym, we use these exercises in our HIIT workouts plus many more. Check it out..  

How A Rotation Diet Can Help You With Your Health and Weight Loss Goals

Do you eat the same breakfast or lunch every day?
Its easy to fall into the habit of eating the same food day in and day out. I find myself doing the same thing sometimes, sticking to my breakfast favs of homemade muesli, coconut yoghurt and fruit or blueberries and coconut yoghurt and crispy bacon or my other personal fav eggs. :) I have to stop myself and mix it up, but its still hard for me to think of having left-over dinner as breakfast.  You may be the same, programmed to think that breakfast is cereal and toast or eggs and bacon.  Breakfast can be anything you want, and if you have a small dinner you will be hungry enough for a good breakfast come morning! If you have any digestive problems or skin problems, you will have some food allergies whether or not you are actually aware of it. You could be sensitive to gluten or dairy, but also to other individual foods.  Having a rotation plan of eating could be really important in creating real health and assisting with weight loss. It doesn’t have to be complicated.  Most people only eat around 10 different meals.  Why not try a new recipe or an ingredient you haven’t tried?  
What I Do
This is what I do, when I go shopping each week I buy different varieties of meat and vegetables.  I might get beef in some form like steak to go with a salad, or beef for slow cooking and then some beef or lamb mince for mixing with tomatoes and other vege like spinach or beans.  Then I buy a whole chicken for slow cooking or roasting and use the bones for a broth or soup with left over chicken and plenty of vegetables, then two varieties of fish and then maybe pork. I have a vegetarian meal once a week as well.  With these proteins make sure you have a plentiful variety of salads and vegetables.  Then make enough food for breakfast or lunch the next day 3-4 times a week. You can then have your homemade muesli, smoothie or eggs for brekky on another day that week.  
What You Can Do
I encourage you to eat a variety of foods to identify foods that could be causing problems and to get all your vitamins and minerals, so helping to maintain a healthy you!  Keeping your diet interesting, will stop you getting bored and breaking out the french toast or muffins one day and feeling rubbish afterwards. Learning to read your body and understand what works for you will go a long way to helping with long term health, longevity and a healthy weight, which is what we all want. Eat according to your body’s make-up, by eliminating problem foods for you, and you won’t have to think about weight loss it will just happen. So, mix it up, your body, health and waist-line will love you for it!
Whats a 4-Day Rotational Diet Plan?
If you want to go even further you could try a 4 day rotational diet plan.  The thought behind a 4-day rotation diet plan is that it takes 4 days for food to pass through your system, and so you want to avoid eating any one food more than once every four days so you can discover if you are sensitive to it.  Foods are grouped into ‘food families.’ I go into this more in a later article.  If you have food intolerances or digestive issues you could benefit from a 4-day diet rotational plan.  I have more detailed information and the 4-day rotational diet plans in the Online Gym. If you need further help or more in depth information check out my 28 Day Transformation Program – everything you will need to get in great shape for life with personal daily help from me.  

How Do I Know If I’m Gluten Intolerant or Sensitive?

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you may have heard a lot about gluten lately.  You may be wondering what exactly is gluten and how do I know if I am gluten sensitive or intolerant?   It has become “the thing to do”, to not eat gluten, while really not knowing what it is.  This was highlighted on the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show, when people who had given up gluten, did not actually know what its was.  They just felt “better” for not consuming it.  Check the video out on You Tube. This was seen as funny, but if you are eliminating something from your diet that inflames your digestive system and you feel better for it, while not really knowing why.  Does it matter? Is that really so bad? Many of my clients say they just feel better, when they don’t eat gluten, or that they are permanently bloated when they do eat gluten.  So what is gluten?   Gluten is a protein composite found in grains like wheat, rye, spelt, barley etc. It gives bread that spongy light texture and is basically the gluey stuff that holds the bread together.   There are different scales of being gluten sensitive, with the most sensitive being celiac disease.  But, you don’t have to be a celiac to suffer from gluten sensitivity.  
How do you know if you are gluten sensitive?
  You can get a blood test, but this will not always show gluten sensitivity.  The only definitive way to know if you have gluten sensitivity is by cutting out gluten for one month and then reintroducing it.   If you feel so much better while not eating gluten then you probably have gluten intolerance.  If when you re-introduce it you feel rubbish, you know what to do.   I found out I was gluten intolerant because of skin rashes, fatigue, problems focusing and other symptoms. I functioned ok, but I would just break out in rashes, that I thought were caused by reactions to sunscreen, make-up, creams, perfume etc.  This was just a symptom and not the cause.  You have to get down to what is making you react.  The body is a system of systems and if something is out, as in the case of your digestive system, it will manifest itself in another area, such as your skin.   I still have a way to go, but I feel a lot better off the gluten, my energy levels are higher, I sleep better and my rash is almost totally gone.  I have slip ups though sometimes, and when I do I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck and probably look like it too.  Listen to your body and try cutting out the gluten for four weeks.  See how you go.  
Symptoms of Gluten-Sensitivity or Intolerance
  Irritable Bowel and Leaky Gut Syndrome Bloating and gas Brain fog and trouble concentrating Memory problems Constant fatigue Headaches and unexplained aches and pains Skin problems, like rashes, eczema or acne that won’t go away. Diarrhea or constipation Depression and anxiety   If you need help with any of this, drop me an email, I’m only to happy to help.  Or try my SQ1 28 Day Transformation Program.  28 days to a new you, I promise you, you will come out the other side feeling better than you have ever felt, and in the best shape of your life for life.  You will love it.  Try it here    

Is Running The Best Exercise For Weight Loss?

  Running... I used to love running, the endorphins, the runners high, the time to think and unwind, the “awesome” feeling after a run.
My Story
I ran a marathon a few years ago, my marriage had just ended and I needed something other than the breakup to concentrate on, so I decided to run a marathon. At the time, I was also managing a large gym, instructing group fitness classes and trying to get my own training in.  My body was tired and stressed, and I was mentally and physically exhausted.  But I had committed to the marathon, so I kept at it.  There’s nothing like a whole lot of gym members and staff knowing the boss is running a marathon, to keep you motivated.  I had a training plan, but most of the training I was supposed to do didn’t happen.  I ran the marathon anyway, and I was on target until the last 15 k’s.  I was in agony as my IT bands became so tight I couldn’t run downhill without terrible pain.  So, I had to walk the downhills (who does that??).  I made it to the finish line, but not in the time I expected. I loved running before that marathon, and would run for enjoyment most days.  After “having” to train it had become a chore.  I then got sick for a couple of years and stopped running.  Excessive exercise actually causes your body stress, resulting in increased cortisol levels. And when your adrenal glands pump out too much cortisol from physical stress like exercise, as well as emotional and mental stress, they become exhausted.  This can lead to adrenal fatigue, as in my case.  
Adrenal Fatigue
Some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue include constant exhaustion and difficulty dragging yourself out of bed, depression, ordinary life stresses seem like big problems, brain fog and memory problems, excess weight around the midsection, sweet cravings and high levels of inflammation in the body.  One of the best treatments for adrenal fatigue is rest, which is hard to get if you’re training for a marathon.  
Walk or Run?
Now, I walk, a morning walk of 50 minutes has become part of my daily routine, and I find it easier to get yourself out of bed if you are going for a walk then a run.  You can rug up in winter and really enjoy your surroundings much more than on a run.  It has done wonders for my health, my weight, my state of mind and my healing. I have given up running for now, but never say never. Running can be good for the soul and if you love running and it brings joy to your life without hurting your body, then keep doing it.  But, if you are really forcing yourself to run and you aren’t enjoying it, maybe give walking a try.  You don’t need to exhaust your body to get great results.  Make sure you listen to your body.  Getting movement into your day and enjoying what you do are the main things.  Your body knows what you need.  Walking can get you many of the same health benefits as running. To add to your walking or running schedule try the stretch, yoga, core, strength and pilates workouts in the Online Gym, plus we have everything else you need to get in great shape for life.    

Why I Am Bidding A Sad Farewell To Coffee

I love coffee; it’s up there with a nice glass of Central Otago (NZ) Pinot… (not in the morning of course :).  I have tried to give it up for health reasons (the coffee, not the wine), previously, just because I think it can’t be great for you, as its addictive.  I’m a one cup of coffee a day girl, so I justify what’s the harm?  I usually get to one month or more, and then my old friend sneaks back into my life, seducing me with its velvety aroma and promise of a quick energy hit.   You may have tried to quit too.  But maybe that hot, steaming cup of coffee is part of your morning ritual?  Without that first cup maybe you’re half asleep and your mind is unclear? The caffeine hit is a powerful tool to wake up your brain.   Does this sound familiar? If you have no problems with fatigue or digestive issues and you have energy to burn, you are probably ok with your coffee.  But if you are like me and you feel tired all the time, despite a lot of sleep and you feel rubbish a lot of the time, even though you eat healthily and exercise regularly, it may be time to take an even closer look.   I have adrenal fatigue caused by a lot of stresses inside my body and external stresses, so I need to slow down and completely eliminate these stresses as much as possible.   So bye bye coffee… :(  

7 Ways to Make Withdrawal Symptoms Easier

1.  Find a replacement.
If you choose to cut coffee cold turkey, find some healthy coffee alternatives that will give you a morning boost without the adrenal crash.  
(a) Become enamored of hot maca
A couple of tablespoons of maca blended in a cup of warm almond milk and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon is a delicious way to start the morning. Maca has adrenal boosting properties and will give you a boost without the crash of coffee.  
(b) Become smitten with lemon water
Have a mug of warm lemon water in the morning; this gently wakes up your liver and kick starts your digestive system.  Its nothing like coffee, but it is a warm drink :)  
Flirt with Organic Coffee
If you really want that coffee, find a healthier organic, single source bean, and try limiting your coffee to once a week or once a month.  Maybe a Sunday morning treat?  
2. Sleep more
If you think you need coffee to keep you alert and awake throughout your day, then you are probably not getting enough sleep. By sleeping at least 8-9 hours every night, and getting to bed before 10pm for restorative sleep, you will not feel the need to reach for that mid-afternoon pick me up.  
3. Drink plenty of water
Keeping well hydrated will not only help you fight off headaches and other symptoms of withdrawal, but will also help your body adjust to the sudden chemical change of quitting coffee.  Drink 6-8 glasses or filtered water or try hot water as a drink instead of an afternoon coffee. Water will cleanse and reinvigorate your body.  
4. Exercise often
Exercising daily will help fight fatigue and will be extremely beneficial in your fight against caffeine addiction. A combination of cardio and resistance exercise especially, will help increase blood flow in your body and actually boost your metabolism for more energy than you could ever receive from a cup of coffee. Try a HIIT or HIIT Beginner workout in the Online Gym or even a 30 minute walk will do wonders for the way you feel.  
5. Do not let your blood sugar get low
Have some protein in the afternoon such as a handful of nuts or seeds like almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds or a boiled egg and fruit.  
6. Take Time Out
Press the pause button. Meditation and other mindful activities like yoga, can help calm an over stimulated and stressed system.  
7. Take a Close Look at Nutrition
Maybe you are ready to try a complete elimination program and avoid all refined sugars, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, and any other addictive substance.  Eliminate all these dietary triggers for fatigue and inflammation.  If you allow these foods to stay in your diet, your body will stay on the vicious cycle of cravings and addictive behavior.   I’m going to eliminate coffee AGAIN, plus any small amounts of sugar and dairy that have snuck into my diet as well, for the month of May. JOIN me and lets do it together.  Make the month of May an elimination month. I assure you that your body and mind will thank you. I'd love to hear any comments or questions you have :)    

Top 4 Ways To Look and Feel Great This Winter

The clocks have been put back and the daylight hours are shorter as we enter the coldest months of winter. Summer seems a distant memory and the promise of spring seems far off. Wow, that seems like a bit of a downer doesn’t it? It doesn’t have to be. It would be easy to let your health and fitness slide during the colder months, as we dream of DVD's on the couch, not leaving the house, sleeping in, and eating lots of comforting food. There is nothing wrong with this occasionally, as it can be the break you need, but if you do it on a regular basis, the extra weight and “blah” feeling can creep in. Now is the time to invest in how you want to look and feel when summer rolls around again. Create a list of goals and write them down. Get a picture of someone that inspires you and chuck it up on the fridge or a mirror. Be accountable to yourself and make it happen. Make a dedicated wellness program yourself (or hire a holistic health coach to help) throughout winter so you can stay on top of your training and nutrition. Don't make excuses in winter that you wouldn't in summer.  Don’t worry if you don’t have a plan. Do these 4 things to keep your mood and body in great shape throughout the winter so you look and feel great once the weather starts to warm up.  

1. Keep Your Happy

The winter months can take a toll on both your physical and mental wellbeing. Winter is the time of year we can be severely affected by the weather, causing depression and other mood disorders. It may just be a case of the winter blues, not to be confused with the more serious condition known as SAD (seasonal affective disorder), and can include boredom, restlessness, lethargy, feelings of fatigue, irritability, and cabin fever (feeling cooped up). Make sure you socialise. You are not an island. Get out there and catch up with friends or family at least once a week. Make the effort even though you may prefer to lounge on the couch watching The Bachelor each week. Even just an hour with friends can be the pick-me-up you need to feel good. It doesn’t have to involve drinks; catching up for a walk, playing a sport, or doing a hobby together is beneficial in more ways than one.  

2. Love Nature

I know you have heard it all before, but getting outside for a little sunshine and fresh air is really important, especially during the dark, cold days of winter. You need to keep on top of your vitamin D intake. Lack of sunshine can deplete or even wipe out your vitamin D stores. Staying inside all the time can change your biological rhythms and affect the production of brain chemicals, such as serotonin, which help regulate your mood. This can leave you feeling a bit down and more tired during this time. The beneficial effects of vitamin D are truly amazing, especially helping to boost your immune system to ward off disease, so it’s crucial to optimise the levels of vitamin D in your body all year round in order to support your long-term health. Getting outside in nature is also very grounding and good for the soul.  

3. Keep Active

Winter can put a chill on even the most enthusiastic exercise plans. Resist the urge. Keep moving! Stay on track and motivated and stick to your exercise program. Regular workouts during the winter months will improve your mood naturally, relieve tension and manage stress. If you are like me and enjoy winter sports like skiing or snowboarding, which are great for your body and get you outdoors, take advantage of the colder weather to engage in those activities. If winter sports aren’t your thing, get out for a brisk walk so you can benefit from both the exercise and the sunshine. On cold, rainy days, you could exercise indoors. Join a real world gym, an online gym, or use a fitness app. If you are exercising outdoors, make sure you dress for the elements. Wear layers that you can take off as necessary. Any activity is great. Try to workout first thing in the morning, or do a walk or some desk exercises during lunch. That way you will fit your exercise in before “stuff” gets in the way. Yoga or Pilates are other great options to add to your workout routine as they can help you feel more calm and centered. If the thought of an intense 60-minute workout seems overwhelming then start small. Move forward slowly and only as fast as your body will allow you to progress. Start with a short daily walk or a 10-minute beginner workout. Do not let the change in weather pause your health goals, make a commitment and stick to it.  

4. Eat Well

It’s easy to reach for comfort food when cooped up inside all day. So remember, even if you just feel like watching back-to-back Friends reruns, you still need to eat clean, especially if you’re not moving as much. Check out some clean recipes for free in the Online Gym if you need some inspiration. In addition to eating a healthy, well-balanced diet of wholefoods, there are certain foods that can help your body produce brain chemicals that make you feel more energetic and upbeat. These include foods high in omega-3 fats like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed; try to have at least one serving of an omega-3 food daily, or alternatively, a tablespoon of good quality fish oil.   Do the best you can to look after yourself over winter: rest, relaxation, and time out are every bit as important as exercise. Just don’t let everything go. Invest in your health and fitness now, and once those first warm days hit, you can jump into your bikini/swimsuit and sprint to the beach, confident, proud, and knowing you look and feel your best. It might not feel like it yet, but that warmer weather is just around the corner. Do your mind and body a favour by getting active now, in the dead of winter, so you can take full advantage of the longer, sunny days of spring when they arrive.    

7 Ways To Bust Those Exercise Excuses

You do want to exercise really….but some days it seems impossible to get motivated or to fit in that workout, and ultimately it gets chucked into the too hard basket.  Here are some ways to combat those excuses (because that’s what they are) and get that all-important workout in.  
1. My work and my commute to work takes up so much of my time…
No time in the morning and too exhaused at night?  That leaves lunchtime.  Take a walk during your lunch break whenever you can.  Even 15 minutes is better than nothing. Take the stairs not the lift.  Get up and walk around 5 minutes in every hour you are sitting down. Walk to and from work if you work close to home.  
2. My partner complains about the time I spend exercising…
Get him/her to join you, do a class together, walk together, or take up a fitness activity or sport together.  Get your significant other to try something new, once they get started they should feel so good they may be keen to continue.  Say to them that you love exercise and staying fit and sexy for them and you would love it if they joined you.  
3.  I can’t exercise I have kids or I want to spend more time with my kids…
It’s hard to find time to workout when you have kids, especially if you want to spend more time with them and they want to see you more often.  You could stay home and use an Online Gym or DVD, pop a workout on and get the kids to workout along with you.  DVDs and online workouts are the most flexible options for working moms. Or if your kids are young, take them with you in a stroller for a walking workout. Or, if they’re a little older, have them walk, scooter or bike along next to you as you run.  
4. I live out in the country, in a small town away from any gyms…
When you live out of town or in the countryside it can be hard to get access to a gym. Again, an Online Gym and online personal trainer is a great option or an exercise DVD at home. Or, you could dance, jump rope, walk, run, hike or take up a sport, or even train for an event to get you motivated. Have fun :)  
5. I’m not motivated; I just want to crash on the couch at the end of the day…
You may have done this many times before, got started, got really excited and keen and then you crash and burn… Focus instead on why you want to exercise e.g. weight loss, less stress, happier mood, better sleep, better self-esteem, greater creativity.   This will help you stay on track. If you fall off the wagon, get back on, don’t view it as a failure, and use it to fuel your fire for next time.  What got in your way?  Was it work, time management, stress, after work drinks etc.  Look at the issues, sort them and get going again.  You don’t have to wait until tomorrow, the start of the week or month or when the stars align, do it straight away.  
6. I never see results or I see them initially then nothing…
Maybe you expect to become an “after” photo within a couple of weeks of starting a new exercise program? It’s great to set goals, but consider measuring your success in other ways, that focus more on your health.   How do you feel?   Do you have more energy?  Is your skin clear? Are you sleeping well?  Forget the scales.  Do your clothes feel loose? You can measure your resting heart rate, which should decrease as you become fitter, or measure your waist, hips, thighs etc. or your blood pressure.  All these things are far better measures of good health.  
7.  I actually just dislike exercise.
You know its good for you, you would like to lose weight, but no amount of telling yourself you can buy new clothes, or fit into clothes you haven’t worn in years, or that you will look and feel better is going to make you like it. Even if you never learn to love exercise, find something fitness related you do like. Join a workout group or club, dance, go mountain biking or buy a series of sessions with a personal trainer. You have then handed over your hard-earned cash and committed to appointments, so you’re less likely to bail. Alternatively, find a fitness friend who is willing to meet up with you and work out, or do a fitness activity together. If you need any help finding the right program for you, check out the Online Gym, we have heaps of video workouts, meal plans, recipes, and the latest, quality information on all things health and fitness.     

Can I Drink Alcohol and Lose Weight?

Yes and No.  Don’t get me wrong I’m all for a balanced life, fun with friends and a nice pinot or two :), but I’m also about helping my clients achieve real health and getting them in the best shape for life.   To decide whether you can drink alcohol and get in great shape, you need to ask yourself two questions:
  1. What are your health and weight-loss goals?
  2. What is your health like at the moment?
If you are having digestive problems, you have a leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, food intolerances or you feel like crap all the time, then no, you should give your gut a chance to heal and cut alcohol out for 3-6 months to heal your gut.  Otherwise you will cause more problems or exacerbate the problem. If you don’t have digestive issues then yes, you can have alcohol, but you need to understand when and how you can have it with food.  Take a look at your week’s food plan and decide when you will have alcohol.   No, not every night (damn). It also depends on what results you want.  You can go out and enjoy yourself and have fun, but you can’t go and drink rum and coke, creamy cocktails and beer and expect to lose weight. Alcohol is sugar, beer contains gluten, and this can wreck havoc on your gut and cause weight gain.  Your best alcohol choice would be red wine.  With red wine you get the added health benefits of resveratrol (helps reduce inflammation and lowers bad cholesterol) and antioxidants for heart health. If you are out with your girlfriends or mates for dinner then balance out your wine with some protein, vegetables and good healthy fats.  Don’t add the extra carbs like potatoes, bread and dessert; your wine is your carbs.  Order a steak and a salad or vegetables to even out your blood sugar levels, drink plenty of water and enjoy that wine. So, remember if you are happy with your weight and are sleeping well and feeling good, then enjoy your wine on the weekends.  If you want to get lean or you have a few stubborn kilos to shift, you have sleep problems, digestive problems, skin problems, food intolerances or are tired upon waking, then cut the drinkies out for 6-12 weeks.  You will love the difference it makes. :)    

10 Health and Fitness Tips For Busy People

Often it can feel like you barely get a minute to yourself, what with working a full-time job, taking care of children, housework, preparing meals, spending time with a partner and family and a long to-do list. A hectic work schedule and tending to the needs of others can mean you put your own health and fitness aside. Though all my years of working with clients, a busy schedule is the main reason my clients give for not exercising or eating well. But with a little planning you can maintain a healthy lifestyle despite a busy schedule. Here are my top 10 tips for staying happy and healthy when you are short on time:
1. Plan Your Meals
On a Sunday, make time to sit down and plan what you will have for all meals that week. Make sure you make a grocery list. Do one big shop, if you can so that you have everything at your house and you are not left staring into an empty fridge, trying to think what to eat. If you don’t plan your meals ahead of time, you’re more likely to call your favourite Thai takeaway or be so hungry you eat a whole packet of cereal. A nut and seed cereal maybe, but you don’t need the whole packet!
2. Let’s Get Cooking
Dedicate one or two hours every weekend for bulk cooking, and you'll be thankful you did! Make up double batches of meals and freeze for breakfasts and/or lunches. Mix it up and make sure you have plenty of colourful veggies and good quality protein sources such as fish, beef, chicken etc. Cut up veggies, make salads and cook some quinoa or sweet potato. Store in containers in the fridge. Having large containers full of pre-cut vege and salads in the fridge will help give you multiple quick dinner and lunch options and are a big step towards a healthy week of eating!
3. Deliver It
No, not pizza! ☺ If you don’t have time to go to a farmers market, wholefoods shop or supermarket, then arrange a weekly delivery of your grocery goodies. Check out on line, if your local wholefoods shop or butcher or fish market make deliveries.
4. Pack A Travel Lunch
This saves money, the “I can’t find anything healthy to eat” cry, and keeps you healthy. It's only a hassle to do this in the first week of starting this new routine. After that, it becomes second nature. If you are heading out anywhere, especially with kids, take a healthy portable meal or some healthy snacks. Trust me, from experience, you will always be thankful you did!
5. Mix It Up With Smoothies For Breakfast
Tossing kale, spinach, avocado, celery, banana, kiwifruit, water and ice and into a blender doesn’t take long at all. Especially if you prepare those smoothie ingredients and have them neatly in a small jar in the fridge, ready to pop in your blender. Blitz it all up, then you can pour the smoothie in your jar and off you go. It takes no time at all to rinse out the blender when you're done too. Try it on alternate days for breakfast; less time, less clean up, and satisfying and healthy!
6. Move More At Work
Do some body weight exercises and stretches at your desk. Break up your day by doing a 5 minute workout every hour. Set a timer and breakup your jobs by doing a set of bodyweight squats, lunges or assisted push-ups off your desk for 5 minutes. Take the stairs instead of the lift and walk to talk to colleagues if you can, rather than email or call.
7. Try HIIT
A great time saver and an awesome way to get results fast, high-intensity interval training is the way to go. With workouts you can do in less than 20 minutes, a quality HIIT workout will have you working hard with explosive, short bursts of high energy. And you can do these workouts at home, anytime you like with some amazing online programs.
8. Schedule Your Workout
Schedule your workout and make it a non-negotiable. Like I said before it doesn’t have to be a long workout, even just 10 minutes of some HIIT, a walk at lunchtime, 15 minutes of Yoga, if done daily, will have you feeling and looking amazing! I've personally noticed that no matter how much I enjoy working out, it's the first thing to go, when I get busy, if I don't make it a priority.
9. Re-evaluate Priorities
You can't be everything to everyone, and you're no good to anyone if you're worn out and over committed. When you're incredibly busy, it's probably not the best idea to train for a marathon, enter a triathlon or an event you have to train long hours for. These events take lots of training, mental and physical energy and will take time from friends and family, add stress to your life that you may not be capable of handling at the moment. Save these fun activities until you can commit wholeheartedly. TV can also sap your time and energy. If you just can’t miss your favourite program, then get up during the ads and do some exercises, like squat jumps, push-ups, a plank, or jumping jacks.
10. Do More Incidental Exercise
Walk a lot! Aim to spend 50% of your day standing or moving around. Our bodies need movement and more often than not we aren’t moving a lot even when we are really busy. Have a walking meeting instead of a coffee one, take the stairs instead of the lift, and get off a few stops before your bus stop. Park further away from work and then walk, or walk to work if you don’t live far away, walk kids to school or to the bus stop, meet a friend for a walk or walk the dog. If you are busy, as we all are, incorporate these tips into your life to get that much needed movement in your day and to create a happy body and mind.