Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
The key to success is having a plan and being prepared.
Take some time out once a week (Sunday is a good day) and prep some food. Look ahead at your week and think about what you may need and plan your meals. Take an hour each week to chop up vegetables and prepare some salad ingredients or cook a meal and freeze. You could also do some baking for the week and prepare some cooked protein sources. Roast a chicken or slow cook it in the crockpot (slow cooker). When cooking dinner make twice as much and freeze for another meal or have for lunch the next day.
If you are pregnant, cooking some extra meals to freeze for later is a great way to ensure you have meals for when you come home with your new baby and your days seem like you are just feeding, changing and putting baby to sleep, repeat. You will be very happy you took the time. Just cook a bit more now and save time later. Theres nothing like knowing dinner is all sorted when you are tired. I know I was very happy I did this!
It sounds like work I know, when you want to relax on your weekend or are busy with work or kids sport or other fun stuff. Schedule it in and your week and those early months with your newborn will run a lot smoother. Time spent on that Sunday will mean more time during the week for the things you enjoy ☺
Plan to succeed. Don’t be caught hungry, that’s when you eat the wrong thing, like a bagel or a whole packet of chocolate biscuits. (you won’t have these in your house any more of course ☺). Make sure your fridge and pantry are full of good food for you to eat. Make up some yummy bliss balls or amazeballs as I like to call them for sweet snacks, or check out the other healthy chocolate sweet treats in the Recipe section.
Preparation is the key.
Get in touch if you need help with your planning. I’d love to answer any questions you have.