I’m really getting into green smoothies at the moment, and its something myself and my kids are loving and will definitely continue. Its a great way to get more veggies into your kids! Green smoothies are a delicious and quick way to download a massive amount of raw nutrients into your body every day. It’s a good idea to combine healthy fats with your raw greens, as it helps your body to assimilate the nutrients. Here is a combination I love:
Baby spinach and kale – handful
Coconut Yoghurt 2 Tablespoons
Coconut Milk 1/2 Cup
Chia Seeds 2 Tablespoons
Flaxseed Oil 1 Tablespoon
Frozen Banana 1 – (freeze peeled and in pieces)
Cold water to your preferred consistency
Pop in your blender and blitz until smooth and creamy. Yum 🙂